On March 16 we gathered on Zoom for the third session of “Warera: Shinran and Solidarity.” We came to the part in “Notes on ‘Essentials of Faith Alone’” (CWS p. 453) where Shinran explains the fourth line of the Fa-chao verse: “Avalokiteśvara and Mahāsthāmaprāpta come of themselves to welcome them.”
Rather than say “Avalokiteśvara and Mahāsthāmaprāpta,” it’s easier for me to say (and type) the Japanese names Kannon and Seishi. The two bodhisattvas’ names indicate compassion (perceiving cries 観音) and wisdom (strength arriving勢至). In Buddhist art, the two flank Amida to form a triad. I think the reason for representing Amida that way is to express the dual-names of “Amida”: Amitayus, unlimited life and Amitabha, unbounded light. (Most of you know that’s how Shoshinge starts out – calling both names “Muryō-jū” and “Fukashigi-kō”). “Life” representing compassion through the dimension of time and “Light” representing wisdom through the dimension of space.
Shinran goes further to give the alternate names of the bodhisattvas as mentioned in a sutra quoted by Daochuo in his Anraku-shu. The translations in the CWS don’t fully capture these names – Kannon is the Treasure of the Responding Voice and Seishi is the Treasure of Good Fortune. The translation having “Happiness” is misleading. I said at any given time, it would be hard for me to claim that I’m happy but I’m aware that overall, I am very fortunate in many ways such as not having to struggle for food, shelter and clothing. It is wisdom touching us to remind us of how fortunate we are (we hardly did anything to deserve it) and to know many, many other people are not as fortunate (through no fault of their own).
Next Shinran tackles explaining ji 自 – first it means “by one’s self,” that is, the bodhisattvas come “in person.” We are not meant to literally see two entities like caped super-heroes protecting us from disasters, but we experience lives and events that bring us the wisdom and compassion to support our spiritual awareness, our shinjin.
The second meaning of ji is “of itself” and here Shinran goes into the concept of jinen 自然 (often translated as “naturalness”) which he discusses in other works. “To be made to become so” is to have all our karma - no matter how destructive our thoughts, words and deeds were, are and will be - be transformed into a great ocean of virtue, that is, constructive, healing, nurturing consequences. I said it is hard for us to comprehend this because we are so conditioned to be moralistic – what’s bad is bad and what’s good can’t come out of bad. Shinran is shaking us out of that calculative thinking to open us up to the larger perspective of reality itself – to pour our rivers of guilt, shame and fear out into the vast ocean of hongan, the innermost aspiration that embraces all.
As we’ve heard many ministers say, going to the Pure Land is actually returning to our true state, so Shinran says the “come” in the verse, means our “return to the city of dharma-nature.” This word miyako which is translated as “city,” I like to translate it as “community” as in the Honen verses in Shoshinge – for us to get out of the stifling little hut of self-centeredness and enter into community. Awakening to reality is what is called “enlightenment” and “Pure Land” is more of a metaphor for the skillful means to bring us to enlightenment. The end goal of Buddhism is not to plop down on a comfy couch in some nirvana living room, but to be in the world of suffering, participating in the path to liberate all beings.
In our discussion, we talked about how hard it is for many Jodo Shinshu temple members to see their interconnection with people outside of the temple. There’s so much in Buddhism but especially in Shinran’s teachings guiding us to get past our “in-group” thinking so we can have concern for and respond to other people. I commented that ministers focus too much on inward looking concepts like personal gratitude and fail to bring out the real gems of Shinran’s teachings.
[graphic from “Visualizing Palestine” on Instagram]
I would hope by the time you are reading this that Mahmoud Khalil has been released from the ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) detention center in Louisiana. On March 8 he was handcuffed and taken away by car even though his wife showed the agents that her husband had a green card (proof of being a documented U.S. resident). He was targeted for deportation by critics of his pro-Palestinian activism at Columbia University. For us, it’s the Martin Niemöller poem brought to life, “First they came for the…” Too many people were unconcerned about the detention of undocumented immigrants (which started years ago, especially ramped up during the Obama administration) and I’ve heard it said that those who come into our country “the wrong way” deserve to be captured and sent away. But with Khalil’s detention, immigration status doesn’t matter if you’re perceived to be a “terrorist” threat. All the people who knew him at Columbia say he was a kind and thoughtful person and even the administrators that he negotiated with on behalf of the protestors spoke of his respectful demeanor. It has been reported that while in detention, he has been helping the other detainees with their paperwork and sharing food with them.
That part reminded me of Francisco, someone who started attending the temple and helped out when he could. It shocked me when I received a letter from him, sent from an ICE detention center in Wisconsin, saying that the acceptance of his asylum request was reversed and he was taken into custody. He spoke English fluently so I would not have guessed he was a recent immigrant. While in detention because of his language skills, he helped with translation and interpretation for Spanish-speaking detainees. After several months working with the Organized Communities Against Deportations that the activists in Nikkei Uprising connected me to, Francisco was released and returned to Chicago. He wanted to return to the temple to help out but unfortunately it was during the Covid lockdown. I’ve tried to contact him since then but have not heard from him. I’m grateful that his situation made me aware of the horrors of our system detaining and deporting people who come to our country as refugees. As I learned at the Tsuru For Solidarity action in Tacoma last year: Chinga La Migra!